
About Monroe

Passed on September 12, 2016

Monroe was born on August 7th, 2012. I got her two days before my 17th birthday. She was the first dog I had ever owned. I had dogs previous to her, but none of them were really mine. But she was, & I loved her the minute I saw her.

She was a silly little girl, she used to hop instead of run, & it was probably the cutest thing I had ever seen. She was full of energy, always willing to play & never wanting to sleep. She wasn’t much of cuddle bug, but when I held her she would rest her head on my chest. I think that’s what I’m going to miss the most. She would bark when I got home & would give me tons and tons of kisses. She was protective, & I knew that if I ever needed her to help save me for something, even something tiny, she would be there. She was my best friend, my baby girl, and my entire world.

She had barely turned 4 when I lost her, September 12th, 2016 at 2:30 pm. It wasn’t really sudden, as she had been diagnosed with renal failure. (Her kidneys were failing) a lot of people didn’t understand why such a young dog could die of something very rare for her age. But, we believe it was hereditary. The last two months of her life I did every little thing I could to try and extend her life. I gave her IV fluids every single day, I gave her medicine twice a day, & I had her on a very expensive diet. But, the seizures kept coming and coming, & witnessing them had destroyed me every single time. I had the option to put her on seizure medication, but I just couldn’t allow her to go through that anymore. I loved her so much that I just couldn’t keep her here for my selfish needs.

When I made the decision to put her to sleep, I felt like my life had fallen apart, like I was losing a piece of myself. It wasn’t fair, she was only four. But I made sure the last week of her life was great. I gave her the toy she loved so much, & she would carry it everywhere with her. She would sleep with it and even play with it, which we loved to see as she had stopped playing like she used to.

So when we contacted pets remembered, we had half of her toy cremated with her, so she could play with it for the rest of eternity, & I kept half because I wanted a piece of her with me. I’m glad they were able to do that, it made me feel like she wouldn’t be alone.

I just hope she is up at the rainbow bridge, playing and having fun with her toy. I hope she is healthy and not in pain anymore. & I hope that when my time comes, she’s waiting for me, with her tail wagging and her toy in her mouth. Monroe is and will always be, my little baby.

“Bye Monroe, love you Monroe, miss you Monroe.”
Love, mommy & daddy.