Bindy Lou Jack

About Bindy Lou Jack

Bindy Lou (or as I liked to call her Bindy Lou Who) was one of the most loved cats I have ever owned. She was also a very shy cat, who hid whenever the doorbell rang or someone knocking at the door. When I was dating her human mom (now my wife), I remember when she first came out of hiding and let me pet her. At that point, I knew I belonged to her. She accepted me in her life, which didn’t happen to too many people. While she didn’t love me like she loved her human mom, she loved me in her own special way. She let me hug and kiss her.

I was her “treat boy”. Whenever I came home from an outing or when she looked at me with those eyes, she forced me to walk to the kitchen with her for treats and/or canned food. Speaking of walking with her places, she would make me follow her to the bathroom so I can turn on the water facet for her so she can have water, even though we put out water for the cats to drink.

We ended up getting three additional cats. One of those cats needed extra attention. She nurtured that kitten like it was one her own. Bindy Lou shared her cat hut with that kitten so she can have a place to sleep. Bindy found another place to rest, for example, the cat carrier or “her bed” in the bedroom.

I had had the fortunate pleasure of knowing her for the last four years. Bindy was the best cat out there. She recognized her owner’s feelings, whether good or bad. Her soft meow, purring and love will forever be in my memories.

Witten by Kevin

I met Bindy Lou at the Golden Valley Humans Society in 2006. She had been given the name Sugar. I thought that was funny until I realized she was SO SWEET! She was this beautiful six week old black kitten with green olive eyes. She was full of spunk and moxy.

I realized she was something special. But I did not realize how much of a love she was to people until I noticed the vet was crying when saying goodbye to her. This little cat made quite an impression on everyone! When I got Bindy Lou home, I noticed that she had already decided that I was hers and same with our home. I tried quarantining her from my other new kitten Ninian but that was impossible. Nini and Bindy met….they circled each other with a disgusted look on their faces and then Bindy just decided that Nini was hers. She saw a purpose in loving him. They became two peas in a pod. Bindy took very good care of Ninian (until his death in 2015).

I was going to name her Olive but my Dad took one look at her and called her Bindy Lou. Once I learned that he had a barn cat named Bindy Lou (who looked much like her) when he was a kid, I had to keep the name. She fit the personality of a sweet Bindy Lou. She slept on my head and snored in my ear. She groomed my hair with her tung and teeth (ouch lol). She talked at me as if I understood

exactly what she was saying. She looked me strait in the eyes with no fear. She gave me countless head bumps and Eskimo kisses. She rubbed her chin on me and took all of my kisses (on her cheeks and head) with love. She balanced and laid on my shoulders (to be as close to me as possible). She burrowed her head into my hair. She loved my hair. She messaged my neck for hours. I held her like a baby often and she spent countless hours in my lap. Her chatter and purring were top notch. She was an amazing mouser and huntress. I could toss a toy clear across the room and she would grunt and dart after it with glee! She would also retrieve the toy for me. She would sing to her purple toy mouse and play hide and seek with it. She had quite the imagination. When a few other kittens later joined our household she decided it was purposeful to mother them. She was pure love and bliss.

Bindy Lou was home with me. Having an attentive, empathetic and angelic cat grace my life for almost 15 years is beyond a true blessing. She reminds me that there is so much beauty in this world and unwavering unconditional love, acceptance and devotion. When people say Cats are selfish and only like their owners because they feed them, then they never had the privilege of having a cat like Bindy lou. She new her mission in life. She accepted and owned it. Our time together was and will always be purposeful. She did an impeccable job! I carry her teachings with me and I thank God for her every day.

Written by Erin