
About Charlie

Passed on April 27, 2014

Charlie came to us on October 11, 2003. We found him at the Humane Society kennels in Golden Valley. They said that he was three or four years old. When I opened the truck door Charlie jumped in and sat on the middle of the seat between us just like he always belonged there. And he did! We could not have asked for a better dog. For us he was perfect. On November 11, 2012 Charlie got real sick. Our vet did a ultra sound that showed he was full of cancer. She sent us to a specialist who told me he had 2 days to live. Charlie is a fighter and he lived another year and four plus months. Charlie died at 9am on Thursday March 27, 2014. His ashes will be buried this spring on our hunting land in Redwood county next to Ike who died in 2003. Charlie came with me everywhere and I really miss him.