ebony jerde

About Ebony Jerde

Passed on November 16, 2022

My beautiful Ebony, it’s hard to believe you left me over 3 months ago November 16. I will never forget that day my precious girl. My heart will always mourn you.  I had you since the day you were born. You were part of my life for over 22 years. You were my precious friend and comforter for so many years😢❤️. I feel so lost without you being there by my side to sleep beside me and beg me for your treats. We went on so many adventures together I miss you all the time. Walking into the room and you crying for a treat or for me to let you. It just isn’t the same anymore.

I love you so very much my precious girl. I can’t believe you’re gone. Just know you are always with me more than you know. You were the best. Forever with me. Your Mama who will always love you. 😢❤️🌹🐱

July 29, 2000-November 16, 2022