Gus 1

About Gus Walaszek

Passed on May 16, 2022

Gus was about 3 years old when I adopted him from the Animal Humane Society on January 9th, 2009.

We lived in a semi-rural area where he had three acres to run around in.  He became an avid tennis ball chaser and frisbee catcher.  Our daily walks didn’t require a leash as he didn’t leave my side.  I didn’t teach him that.  That was just the way he was. A gentle, mellow dog. He didn’t chase rabbits or squirrels but usually had his nose to the ground sniffing something.

At night we’d play our game called Hide-the-Treat.  The game never lasted very long as he was a better treat finder than I was a treat hider.  But he was loved being outside the most.  If not chasing a ball or frisbee he would be lounging in the grass as I did yard work or sitting on the porch with me. He was the best company.

Thank you Gus.  You gave me so much and asked for so little.  You were indeed my best friend.  My handsome, gentle, sweet baby boy.  I love and miss you so much!

Until we are together again, I will think about you every day.  We had a wonderful life together.  I have so many good memories.

You are in my heart, always and forever.